
An R package to generate SVG markup

This project is maintained by mslegrand

Welcome to svgR

svgR is an R-package which permits the easy generation of SVG markup using the R programming language.

Some of the benefits are:

It is a snap to use with RStudio's Shiny Web Server and inside R documents, R-presentations, and slides.


One of the best sources to see what can be done is the svgR Users Guide, which contains several hundred short examples with source. More elaborate examples with sources can be found samples section. Additionally, videos using the pointR tool with svgR are availble at pointRmedia


Motivation for the svgR architecture was inspired by an article by Hadley Wickham on Domain Specific Languages. Some additional structural variations have been implemented to present a more R-like usage. Usage of these variations are optional: the traditional SVG approach still works. For details see StructuralEnhancements


Microsoft users beware. Before continuing, make sure your browser supports svg (else your laptop/computer might explode and/or melt!)